20 marzo 2011

The Sugar Killerz - Review by DealSpwn's Jonathan Lester

The Sugar Killerz review by DealSpwn's Jonathan Lester.

"Goodness me, we’ve certainly got a lot of twinstick shooters on the Xbox Live Indie marketplace. And here’s another one. 400 Microsoft Points is a seriously big ask for a colourful, shallow clone – so the The Sugar Killerz has to work very hard to justify its price tag.

And it does. The focus is on balls-out four player cooperative action, with AI taking over the human roles if you don’t have enough friends to bulk out the roster. There are plenty of weapons and enemy types to go around, and a riotous sense of unashamed fun and humour to compliment the gameplay. The graphics are also very impressive for an XBL Indie title: showcasing capable character design and some great backgrounds.

The Sugar Killerz may have a terrible name, but it’s far from a terrible game. High production values and rampant, ridiculous fun is the order of the day.
Highly recommended."

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